National Student sports week (POMNAS) 2015 futsal branch will be held this week on the course Fair Play, Banda Aceh. Title POMNAS 2015 is predicted will take place exciting and tight. Because the title of this year's professional League players allowedtook part.
One of the teams which would filled professional players in POMNAS this time is a team of West Java (Jabar). Especially with the entry of five players of FC Bandung Libido i.e. Andri Kustiawan, Andriyana Ekayana, Cybernet Prints, and Firmansyah, and Fahrudin Kind Praise.
Not Just that the name top futsal Indonesia as Andriansyah Agustin (STKIP/Vamos FC Mataram), Moch. Irvan (STKIP/FC Pingdus Surabaya) and Ardy Dwi Suwardy (STKIP/Electric PLN Cosmo) will fall in the wake of bringing good name in West Java. With the material of the existing players, the team any chances with upbeat Jabar find their achievement in the porch of Mecca.
"Players at this year's POMNAS is primarily populated by experienced players. And a pride can play in POMNAS Jabar along with the great players. So, we simply adjust the perception of just when the match, "said one of the team players Jabar Hanif Pambudi, to editorial team Futsal Zone.
The team's preparation for POMNAS Jabar frankly insufficient and there are still many obstacles that have to be faced. However, Hanif judging, all of that is not a reason to not perform Jabar team Pomnas this year.
The impromptu and all-round preparation is very minimal as presented above does not make a team loses Meirizal Yopi orphanage before the war. Players, managers, coaches along with the ranks of the team will struggle to grab the gold medal branches of futsal.
As we know, the past year's futsal team POMNAS son Jabar failed miserably with can only advance to the quarter-finals. "Certainly we're optimistic it gets the best results. Players, managers, coaches and ranks the team would struggle getting the gold, "pungkas players who will wear the number 25 backs it.
The following players who will defend the team West Java branch of futsal in 2015:POMNAS
Coach: Yopi Meirizal
1. Moch. Irvan (STKIP Pasundan)
2. Andriansyah Agustin (Pasundan STKIP)
3. Andri Kustiawan (Sundanese STKIP)
4. Andriyana Ekayana (Pasundan STKIP)
5. Ardy Dwi Suwardi (Pasundan STKIP)
6. Permadi Yout Cybernet (STKIP Pasundan)
7. Kind Firmansyah (Pasundan STKIP)
8. Wahab Yout (Pasundan STKIP)
9. Hanif Pambudi (Padjadjaran University)
10. The Dandy Suryansyah (University of Padjadjaran)
11. Ferdian Rizal (Padjadjaran University)
FC Pingdus Surabaya seemed serious about preparing his team for the Futsal Super League the upcoming 2016. In addition to regularly do exercise, several types of various preparations have also been implemented.
Pingdus had a chance to bring Thailand national team coach Victor Hermans to givecoaching clinic. In addition, they are also rolling out a Mini Futsal Tournament in Indonesia 2015 some time ago.
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This time, the original team of Sepatu Futsal Surabaya is also central to process the arrival of teamorigin Malaysia. Unmitigated, management team plans on bringing in some top-tierteam Malaysia such as Felda United, AllStar Team Malaysia and Malaysia national team.
"FC Pingdus will invite the top team of Malaysia for the agenda that will be ourtitle," said Curo one management FC Pingdus Surabaya.
"The plan, the team will be our laws are Felda United, all-star team Malaysia, and Malaysia national team. But it is still not certain, "he continued.
The arrival of the three teams the origin of Malaysia that the plan will be implemented in January next year. Later, they will be doing trials with Ivan Cahyadi cs, by rolling out a mini tournament.